Card Sorting in UX Research

Card sorting is a popular method of user research in user experience design and it’s part of Informational Architecture. Card sorting helps to understand how users would like to see the information and concepts in their product.

How It’s work: It has different variation, normally performed by asking the user to sort a deck of card in front of them, each card contain a piece of content /Information /functionality related with the product. It also helps to understand the user’s conceptional model. They are 2 types of Card Sorting Method.

  1. Open Card Sorting: Normally performed by asking the user to sort cards into groups that they feel are appropriate and then describe each group.
  2. Closed Card Sorting: Normally performed by asking the user to place cards into these pre-established primary groups.

Essential Steps are in below:

  1. Find Users: It would be great if you can find your target audience or potential users.
  2. Display the cards in front of them: Arrange the front of the card of them, each card contain a piece of content/Information/functionality related to the product.
  3. Ask them to sort the cards: Ask them to arrange the cards, how they are would like to see them in their product.
  4. Collect that with the same order and give a name (For the Open Card Sorting method).
  5. Repeat the above 4 steps with at-lest 3-5 users: If you want to discover the significant pattern you should repeat the same process with at least 3-5 users.
  6. Identify the pattern: You can compare one result with others and identify the patterns. Example: 2 to 3 users sorted the few cards into the same groups that could be a pattern.
  7. Present the result to the stakeholders or Build the structure of your product.

Watch this video to know more about card sorting.

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