How we can generate ideas for great mobile apps?

Find your motivation. If you’re building a product because you think it’s revolutionary, but have zero interest in using the product yourself, you’ll probably get tired and stop development. Make a product that you are passionate about and that’s relevant to your own interests to ensure that you’ll stay interested throughout the development process.

KISS. Keep it simple, stupid. It’s tempting to create a product that does all the things. Don’t. All you’ll accomplish is creating a product that overwhelms and drives away users.

Don’t worry if your idea exists already. There are over 1.2 million apps on the App Store. The chances of creating a totally novel app are incredibly slim. Even if a similar app exists, almost any idea can be improved upon. Plus, existing apps in the genre just means there’s a market! If you develop an app that has no competitors, chances are, there’s no one that wants it.

Browse the top 100 apps in the App Store or Google Play Store, and write down any ideas you have as a result. If you don’t have an iPhone or iPad, you can find a list of the top 100 apps in the App Store. You can also look at the best and worst user reviews to get a sense for what users are saying.

Keep in mind that there is a difference between free & paid apps – if you’re thinking about charging for your app, you may want to pay attention to the paid category.

Courtesy: Google & Udacity

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